
🌿"What I love most about the M2 products is how clean they are. The best ingredients make the best things! As a very sensitive person to toxins and artificial perfumes in my products, the M2 products feel good." - Ali

🌿"My daughter is a swimmer, and her scalp gets really dry, but the mermaid spray helps keep her scalp from getting itchy and it smells wonderful! I appreciate local homeopathic options and I'm so glad these products are made using great care and lots of research! Their pricing is reasonable, and they have a large selection." - Joy
🌿"I am so happy I found M2 Inspired Wellness. From bathroom sprays (that even my son enjoys) and bath bombs, to supplements and mushrooms for my coffee ♡♡ I've been beyond happy with everything I have purchased from them ♡♡" - Heather
🌿"Beautifully designed, well-made products, and fast service! My kiddos ask for the Itch Stick whenever they have bug bites. Thanks for a great product!" - Tracy
🌿"I have purchased 3 bars of soap. the first 2 were very different from each other and the third I have not tried. I love the smell of both and the lather of the lavender. Both soaps leave your skin feeling great- not dry! The bars last a long time - even with daily use. i am hoping you come out with a lotion soon. I would recommend these and buy them again." - Randy
🌿"Love these products! They shipped quickly, smell great, and I am 100% comfortable using them in my house and on my family members! We used the Stop Buggin' Me right away, and it worked awesome! It's so nice to spray a bug spray liberally all over my 1-year-old and not be concerned about what is being absorbed into his body or making it into his eyes and mouth. Thanks to you both!" - Lindsay
🌿"I have purchased the shampoo bars and hand soap. My hair felt silky with the shampoo and my hands moisturized with the soap. I love knowing the ingredients are safe for my family!  Highly recommend!" - Sally
🌿"Beautiful packaging, quality products, amazing prices! Thank you, Ladies!" - Laura